Hey there!
I’m Don

The founder of FINdustries and a coach who is passionate about helping people like you achieve their goals and live their best lives.


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Don’s openness, spiritual lens, and his own personal choice to live his fullest life, helped me do the same.


My Story

A decade ago, I started FINdustries with a mission to provide customized solutions to clients ranging from startups to Fortune 10 companies. My business grew quickly and I was able to help my clients generate over $1B in annual revenue. But as I reached that level of success, I realized that something was missing. I was missing out on the joy and fulfillment that comes from working with people I love and sharing my values with them.So, I set out on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I climbed Kilimanjaro, traveled to Peru, and read every book I could get my hands on. Along the way, I also trained with shamans, spiritual leaders, and self development gurus, and developed an integrated and integral approach to coaching that nurtures each client’s true self. I have a relentless curiosity, critical analysis, energy, sense of humor, and storytelling skills that help personalize my approach for each of my clients. It all starts with listening and asking good questions, and together we share real-world business experiences to bring clarity and drive growth.

As a coach, my goal is to help my clients understand their own working methods, set and manage goals, and develop a sense of confidence in themselves. I bring an open-minded and open-hearted approach, drawing from my extensive business and life experience to provide guidance and support. My clients appreciate my honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity, and the space created for them to explore and take risks. I have helped many people make more progress in their personal and professional lives in the past six months than they have in the past three years. If you’re ready to take your life and business to the next level, I would be honored to work with you.WANNA TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE?


Don helped me understand how to take on the identity of whom I wanted to become. He provided me with affirmations, tips on how to visualize my success, and methods of journaling. For example, I had been wanting to move into a new apartment and he helped me visualize what that would actually look and feel like. Within a couple of weeks, that apartment became a reality.”
Rob L
Rob L
Don brings an open-minded and open-hearted approach, drawing from his extensive business and life experience. His framework of making agreements helped me take emotion and second-guessing out of business decisions. He created a safe space for me to explore and take risks, and as a result, I’ve made more progress in the last six months than I have in the last three years.
Christine H
Christine H
What I actually learned, which is much more valuable than time management or project management skills, is how to manage myself in pursuit of my goals. Don helped me understand how I work and what I need to do to make that process better. He helped me identify hang-ups, not in the project, but how I work, and he supplied me with the tools and support to address them
Julian S
Julian S
Don’s coaching has been invaluable to me. His honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity has allowed me to open up and grow in ways that I never thought possible. He has helped me gain clarity on my values and goals, and provided the support and accountability I needed to make progress towards achieving them. I highly recommend working with Don.
Dan K
Dan K
Don’s openness, spiritual lens, and his own personal choice to live his fullest life, helped me do the same.
- Lara H
– Lara H


We offer a range of coaching and support services to help you achieve your goals and live your best life.


Our 1:1 coaching service is designed for individuals who want personalized support and guidance as they work to make progress in their personal and professional lives. During our coaching sessions, we will work together to understand your unique working methods, set and manage goals, and develop a sense of confidence in yourself. I bring an open-minded and open-hearted approach, drawing from my extensive business and life experience to provide guidance and support.

Time Billionaires

Our group program, Time Billionaires, is designed for individuals who want to achieve their goals and live their best lives while also being part of a supportive community. This program includes group coaching sessions, tools and resources to help you stay on track, and accountability to help you make progress towards your goals. One of the benefits of the Time Billionaires program is that it helps you live a life of freedom by harnessing the only limited resource that any of us have – time. Time Billionaires is a fun and engaging program that will help you take your life and business to the next level.If you’re ready to get started and make progress towards your goals, we would love to work with you. Contact us to learn more about our coaching services and programs and to schedule your first session.Ready to take the next step and start achieving your goals?We’d love to work with you! Click the button below to schedule a consultation and let’s get started on your journey towards living your best life.

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