About Me

As the founder of FINdustries, my mission is to help people thrive by creating a livelihood that supports the development of ourselves, our families, our clients, and our communities. By offering the right solutions from the right providers, we aim to help our clients and community expand their global presence and success.I believe that being human is valuable in and of itself. I value the journey that each person takes to get where they are and where they want to be. I also believe that work done with friends and for friends creates the best environment for all of us to thrive. The authenticity of caring about the people we work with, rather than just the work they produce, is crucial to building fulfilling relationships and helping our friends grow in all areas of their lives.I also believe that the value of our work can be realized in relation to the value created for the community. Work should support life and facilitate the process of discovering oneself, manifesting one’s vision, and growing through our interconnections. In my businesses, we strive to create environments where transformational growth occurs and our community is supported to live through play.

Innovation is essential to our approach, and I embrace the unknown as a way to learn and grow. By embracing our curiosity and desire to leave the world a better place, we are able to innovate and create change together. I believe that we have the power to decide the economies in which we participate, and we strive to create an economy that values humanity and promotes sustainability.
As a leader, I am committed to building deep personal connections with my friends and living a life of creativity. This has helped me to not only transform my own life, but also to transform industries. I am an artist at heart and this expression resonates in all that I do, from my artistic endeavors to my enterprises. I have a track record of turning “row boats into rocket ships” and my leadership style is centered on using both a scientific method and artistic expression to drive growth and success.I am also deeply committed to personal growth and development, and have worked with coaches for over a decade to hone my skills in this area. I have a relentless curiosity and a passion for critical analysis, and I use these qualities to help personalize my approach for each individual I work with. My goal is to help my clients and community members grow and thrive, and I believe that this starts with listening and asking good questions. By sharing real-world business experiences, I aim to bring clarity and drive growth for my clients and community.