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My collection consists of Paintings, NFT’s, AI collaborations, and Photography. The expression of art comes through many modalities and is about utilizing emotions to tap into the expression, sometimes I express onto the canvas, other times with a camera or through code.

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About me

Don Finley

As the founder and leader of FINdustries, I have a strong belief in the value of human connection and creativity. My deep personal connections with my friends and my artistic pursuits have played a significant role in both my personal growth and my ability to transform industries. As a leader, I have a talent for turning ideas into successful enterprises, or as investors have said, turning row boats into rocket ships. My artistic expression can be seen not only on the canvas, but also in the systems and processes we implement. I believe that the integration of art and business can lead to truly innovative and fulfilling work.

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Shaping the Future


As the founder of FINdustries, a business dedicated to solution building, I have a track record of success working with clients ranging from startups to Fortune 10 companies. My expertise in strategy, execution, and technology has also allowed me to advise other companies on their growth. I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs thrive, and have built my company around the values of cooperation, sustainability, and personal growth. I work to nurture each business true self and guide them towards a fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey.

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As a coach with over a decade of experience, I have a deep understanding of the importance of self development and personal growth. Through working with clients and leading men’s groups, I have honed my ability to listen and ask good questions, helping my clients achieve clarity and drive growth in both their personal and professional lives. I have a passion for empowering individuals to live their best lives and achieve their goals through my integrative and integral approach. My curiosity, critical analysis, and storytelling skills allow me to personalize my approach for each individual client and support them in achieving their desired outcomes.

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NFT Collection

The King

The Ben Franklin

The Peaceful Edge of Flow

The Queen

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